Kadawa women behaving badly wit young boys in Magada River
Paw Akuche
Revelers at Blasovilla club in Paw Akuche center Holo were
brought to interesting stories of how women openly had illicit sex with young
boys by riverside of Magada in Kadawa village.
Sources close to the Holo Notice board reveals that young
men were being solicited into sex by older women who were quoting low prices from
the sand mining dues they get after a long days sweat. As it is common the
young stars of Kadawa main source of income is Sand mining from the river due
that they spend hugely on the young juicy women of Seme, Holo and Kawango as they revel in Holo pubs of
Umoja, Blasovilla and Chuny Ng’ich.
What caused a mayhem as the old men in Blaso partied with
beers on their table is how a young boy a form three at Lwala Kadawa secondary
school was seduced in to having sex by a widow from Dwele village by the unholy
waters of Magad River. The young man said to have contracted HIV AIDS after the
green lodge flees the villages and later hanged himself in a suicidal movie-for
what he later saw as infamous act.
Kadawa elders reacting to this and they summoned the woman
to a chief Baraza and rebuked the act of women eliciting sex from younger men. The
women intern challenged the elders to keep to their wives houses instead if
equally going to Holo to spend their loans on prostitutes at the market center.
The heated debate took hour to quell as people enjoyed the tongue lashing of
women and men as they blamed each other on the infamous retch.
The area chief Juma criticized and thwarted on such acts dueled
by the elderly.